Lilith (Diablo IV Anthem) - Euskarazko itzulpena - Halsey & SUGA BTS 「Abestien Letrak」

The more that you have, the more that they take
Well, I'm perfection when it comes to indiscretion
Might fuck around and just succumb to my

by Sanderlei Silveira ® - 05/06/2023 - US X2

#sanderlei #lyrics #TikTok

Lilith (Diablo IV Anthem) 「Abestien Letrak」 - Halsey & SUGA BTS

The more that you have, the more that they take
Well, I'm perfection when it comes to indiscretion
Might fuck around and just succumb to my
I taste blood and it’s turned to an obsession
Baby, I'm confessin', yeah
You got me thinkin' that I was too mean
Well, everything that I say, I believe
Tuck a knife with my heart up my sleeve
And change like a season, reason for nothin'
I am disruptive, I've been corrupted
And by now, I don't need a fuckin' introduction
I been gone 'cause I been on this road too long

[Chorus: Halsey]
You know I get too caught up in a moment
I can't call it love if I show it
I just fuck things up if you noticed
Have you noticed? Tell me, have you noticed?
I get too caught up in a moment
I can't fall in love if I show it
I just fuck things up if you noticed
Have you noticed? Tell me, have you noticed?

[Verse 2: Halsey]
I got a problem doin' things I'm not supposed to
But you did anything I told you

Cause you'd let anybody with a body control you
And you know it too
You got me feelin' like I been too mean
And everything that I say, I believe
Tuck a knife with my heart up my sleeve
And fuck like a demon, do it like nothin'
I am disgustin', I've been corrupted
And by now, I don't need no help to be destructive
I been gone, yeah, I been on this road too long

[Bridge: SUGA]
I know you get too caught up in a moment
You can't call it love if you show it
We just fuck things up, yeah, I noticed

Yeah, I noticed, hear me, yeah, I noticed
Step out of the moment
That's been trappin' you in all this negativity of hatred and insanity
Don't dwell on the past, it's time to make a change
Look around, believe in what you see, I have returned to hell

[Chorus: Halsey & SUGA]
You know I get too caught up in a moment
I can't call it love if I show it
I just fuck things up if you noticed
Have you noticed? Tell me, have you noticed?
I get too caught up in a moment
I can't fall in love 'cause I'm focused
I just fuck things up if you noticed

Have you noticed? Tell me, have you noticed?

[Outro: Halsey & SUGA]
The more that you give away
The more that you have
More that you give away
More that you have
The more that you give away
The more that you have, the more that they take

Lilith (Diablo IV Anthem) - Euskarazko itzulpena - Halsey & SUGA BTS 「Abestien Letrak」

Zenbat eta gehiago izan, orduan eta gehiago hartzen dute
Beno, perfekzioa naiz indiskretioari dagokionez
Baliteke inguruan joatea eta niretzat zorabiatu

Odola dastatzen dut eta obsesio batera jotzen da
Haurra, konfesatzen naiz, bai
Ni ere esan nahi nuen
Beno, esaten dudan guztia sinesten dut
Tuck bat labana nire bihotzarekin mahuka
Eta denboraldi bat bezala aldatu, arrazoia "
Nahastu naiz, hondatuta egon naiz
Eta orain, ez dut fuckinik aurkeztu behar
Errepide honetan egon naiz denbora luzez egon naiz

[Korua: halsey]
Badakizu une batean gehiegi harrapatuta nagoela
Ezin dut maite maite dut erakusten badut
Ohartu bazara gauzak jotzen ditut

Nabaritu al duzu? Esadazu, nabaritu al duzu?
Momentu batean harrapatu egiten naiz
Ezin dut maitemindu, erakusten badut
Ohartu bazara gauzak jotzen ditut
Nabaritu al duzu? Esadazu, nabaritu al duzu?

[2. bertsoa: halsey]
Uste dut ez ditudan gauzak egiten
Baina esan dizut ezer egin zenuen
Gorputza kontrolatzen duzun edonork utzi dizuna
Eta badakizu ere
Seneratu nauzu, esanguratsua izan nintzen bezala
Eta esaten dudan guztia sinesten dut
Tuck bat labana nire bihotzarekin mahuka

Eta demonio bat bezala jodea, egin ezazu nothin '
Nazkatuta nago, hondatuta egon naiz
Eta orain, ez dut laguntza suntsitzailea izateko
Desagertu egin nintzen, bai, errepide horretan denbora luzeegia izan naiz

[Zubia: sugea]
Badakit une batean gehiegi harrapatzen zarela
Ezin duzu maitasuna deitu erakusten baduzu
Gauzak jotzen ditugu, bai, nabaritu dut
Bai, ohartu nintzen, entzun nauen, bai, nabaritu nuen
Unealditik atera
Hori da gorroto eta erokeria negatibotasun guztietan
Ez zaitez iraganean bizi, aldaketa bat egiteko garaia da
Begira ingurura, ikusi zer ikusten duzun, infernura itzuli naiz

[Chorus: Halsey & Suga]
Badakizu une batean gehiegi harrapatuta nagoela
Ezin dut maite maite dut erakusten badut
Ohartu bazara gauzak jotzen ditut
Nabaritu al duzu? Esadazu, nabaritu al duzu?
Momentu batean harrapatu egiten naiz
Ezin dut maitemindu 'fokatuta nagoen kausa
Ohartu bazara gauzak jotzen ditut
Nabaritu al duzu? Esadazu, nabaritu al duzu?

[Outro: Halsey & Suga]
Zenbat eta gehiago ematen
Zenbat eta gehiago izan

Gehiago ematen duzu
Gehiago daukazun
Zenbat eta gehiago ematen
Zenbat eta gehiago izan, orduan eta gehiago hartzen dute

Lyrics by Sanderlei
