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Memórias Póstumas de Brás Cubas (PDF)

It is after death that Brás Cubas decides to narrate his memories.

In this condition, nothing can soften his ironic and scathing point of view about a society in which institutions are based on hypocrisy.

Sanderlei Silveira ® - 2023-09-18T21:48-03:00 - SA (S.BR) L

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Memórias Póstumas de Brás Cubas (PDF)

It is after death that Brás Cubas decides to narrate his memories.

In this condition, nothing can soften his ironic and scathing point of view about a society in which institutions are based on hypocrisy.

Marriage, adultery, individual and social behavior do not escape his acute and relentless vision, in this fundamental work by Machado de Assis.

The most important Brazilian novel of all time.

Modern avant la lettre, revolutionary in its fragmentary form, in its non-linear narrative time, in its realistic-ironic style, it is at the same time one of the most acute portraits of Brazilian elites?

Memórias Póstumas de Brás Cubas (PDF)

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Sanderlei Silveira


Restaurantes Joinville

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