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Normal People Things - Lovejoy 「Besedilo」 - Slovenski prevod

Panic attack, the backing track
A background hum for cerebellum
Oh, what a blessing to meet someone like you
With eyes as dead as mine, it's fine

Sanderlei Silveira ® - 2023-10-06T03:23-03:00 - BR X

#sanderlei #lyrics #TikTok

Normal People Things - Lovejoy 「Besedilo」

Panic attack, the backing track
A background hum for cerebellum
Oh, what a blessing to meet someone like you
With eyes as dead as mine, it's fine
It's normal people things
Just to lie here in silence

Spending days in, self-medicating
Lost too much weight
Unpleasant aftertaste
We think the same, play different games
Since I like to refuse, hope you blink before I do

Then pray and pray that you'll go and do it anyway

Hold your breath, I'll make it worth the wait
Hold your breath to your chest
And come back and see me, yeah

You rub the makeup off my neck
That I was using to hide the stubble rash
I gave myself while shaving
Yes, it's probably a razor thing but honestly, it's harmless
And I refuse to let the sensitive skin win

Oh, what a blessing to meet someone like you
With eyes as dead as mine, it's fine
It's normal people things
Just to lie here in silence

So, we lie here in silence
Yes, we lie here in silence
This is normal people things
Just to lie here in silence

Hold your breath, I'll make it worth the wait

Hold your breath to your chest
And come back and see me, yeah
Hold your breath to your chest
And come back and see me, yeah

Normal People Things - Lovejoy 「Besedilo」 - Slovenski prevod

Panični napad, podloga
Ozadje za cerebellum
Oh, kakšen blagoslov, da spoznam nekoga, kot si ti
Z očmi mrtvimi kot moje, je v redu
To so običajne stvari
Samo da leži tukaj v tišini

Poraba dni, samozdravljenje

Izgubljena preveč teže
Neprijeten afternaste
Mislimo enako, igramo različne igre
Ker rad zavrnem, upam, da utripate, preden to storim
Nato molite in molite, da boste vseeno šli in to storili

Drži dih, vredno bom počakati
Držite dih na prsi
In se vrni in me vidi, ja

Drgneš mi ličila z vratu
Da sem uporabil za skrivanje strižnega izpuščaja

Dal sem se med britjem
Da, verjetno je to britvica, a iskreno, neškodljiva je
In nočem pustiti občutljive kože

Oh, kakšen blagoslov, da spoznam nekoga, kot si ti
Z očmi mrtvimi kot moje, je v redu
To so običajne stvari
Samo da leži tukaj v tišini

Torej, tu ležimo v tišini
Da, ležimo tukaj v tišini
To so običajne stvari

Samo da leži tukaj v tišini

Drži dih, vredno bom počakati
Držite dih na prsi
In se vrni in me vidi, ja
Držite dih na prsi
In se vrni in me vidi, ja

Sanderlei Silveira


Restaurantes Joinville

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