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Preservation areas in the state of São Paulo

Native vegetation has been devastated in many places in the world and in the state of São Paulo also occurred mainly during the period of initial occupation of their lands, with deforestation to plant coffee plantations, sugar cane, pasture fields, plantations, hydroelectric plants , burned and even buildings of cities and roads.

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Pasture Burning - Campinas (SP)

Native forest deforestation - Iguape (SP)

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Preservation areas in the state of São Paulo

Native vegetation has been devastated in many places in the world and in the state of São Paulo also occurred mainly during the period of initial occupation of their lands, with deforestation to plant coffee plantations, sugar cane, pasture fields, plantations, hydroelectric plants , burned and even buildings of cities and roads.

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Pasture Burning - Campinas (SP)

Native forest deforestation - Iguape (SP)

To curb the degradation of natural environments, discipline the occupation process and ensure the sustainability of the use of natural resources were created environmental preservation laws. In addition, the Brazilian Institute of Environment and Renewable Natural Resources (Ibama) has identified the areas that should be protected due to their biological diversity, called conservation units.

In some of these areas, controlled leisure and ecotourism activities are developed, but always respecting existing biodiversity. In others not even the entry of visitors is allowed, being restricted to researchers.

These areas are classified into two groups:

Integral Protection Units;
Sustainable Use Units.

Integral Protection Units

Integral protection units are areas that must be maintained without any human modification or interference. Integral Protection Units are classified as:

ecological stations
biological reserves
National Parks
Natural Monuments
Wildlife refuges.
Let's get to know some of the integral protection units in São Paulo.

Cantareira State Park was created to preserve and preserve the numerous springs and various watercourses found in the region, as well as the vegetation and the Atlantic Forest fauna. It covers the municipalities of Guarulhos, Sao Paulo, Mairiporã and Caieiras.

Cantareira was the name given to Serra by the drovers who made trade between São Paulo and the other regions of the country, in the 16th and 17th centuries, due to the large amount of springs and streams found in the region. At that time, it was customary to store water in clay jars, so-called, and the shelves where they were stored were called Cantareiras. Hence the name of the area that constitutes the Cantareira State Park.

Cantareira State Park

Pedra do Baú, located in São Bento do Sapucaí, inland São Paulo, is the latest natural monument. The stone can be seen from every corner of the city. It is a rock formation in the Serra da Mantiqueira.

The stone of the chest, located in Sao Bento do Sapucaí

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Juria -Itatins Ecological Station - aims to preserve the nature of the environments of the Atlantic Forest, restingas and mangroves, as well as the conduct of scientific research. Visitation is allowed with the objective of environmental education. It covers the municipalities of Itariri, Miracatu, Iguape and Peruíbe.

Juria-Itatins Ecological Station

Tamboré Biological Reserve - It is one of the largest conservation units inserted in the urban area. It is located in the Tamboré region that belongs to Santana do Parnaíba, municipality of Greater São Paulo.

The reserve has immense biodiversity of fauna and flora, as well as 18 springs that supply the streams of the region. Its objective is full preservation, research, educational action and integration with close communities to develop management and conservation actions.

Drum Biological Reserve

Sustainable Use Units

Sustainable use units aim to allow rational use of natural resources by local communities, maintaining the conservation of biodiversity of the area, ensuring the life and culture of these populations.

Are classified in:

Environmental Protection Area (APA);
area of ​​ecological interest;
National Forest;
extractive reserve;
fauna reserve;

Sustainable Development Reserve;
Private Reserve of Natural Heritage (RPPN).

APAS-Environmental Protection Areas in the State of São Paulo

Let's get to know some sustainable use units in São Paulo.

APA-Corumbataí-Botucatu-Tejupá Environmental Protection Area-Located in the Midwest of the State, covers the territory of numerous municipalities. It was created with the objective of protecting the environments: flora (vegetation), fauna (animals), relief (basaltic cuestas) and groundwater (Guarani aquifer) and numerous springs of rivers and sources. It has remnant vegetation of the Atlantic and Cerrado forest. The attribute that most characterizes APA is the relief.

In this APA are mainly practiced ecotourism activities due to their scenic beauty.

In the municipality of Guareí, whose territory is part of this APA, there is the Sarandi shelter, archaeological site with records of fossils and utensils up to 6,000 years.

Extractive reserve island of tomb - comprises a mangrove area on the southern coast of the state. The extractive reserve aims to conserve the Lagamar area, ensure sustainable use and protect the traditional populations that live there and remove their subsistence from the extraction of crab collection and fishing.

Taquari Extractive Reserve - intended to ensure sustainable use of local fishermen communities in Cananéia and protect marine and mangrove environments.

Lorena National Forest - It is an area of ​​forest vegetation of native species of the Atlantic Forest that aims to sustain the sustainable use of forest resources and scientific research, as well as ensure the conservation of existing archaeological rivers and sites. The Lorena Flona covers the municipalities of Lorena, Canas, Picket and Guaratinguetá. Visitation and leisure activities are allowed.

Sustainable Development Reserve (RD) Quilombos da Barra do Turvo - formed by quilombo remnants, where 130 families whose survival is based on the exploitation of natural resources are handcrafted and receive guidance for the practice of these activities with environmental management techniques . The communities are in the areas of Ribeirão Grande, Terra Seca, Cedro and Pedra Preta and are distributed along BR-116 (Régis Bittencourt Highway), all in the municipality of Barra do Turvo (SP).

There is still the speleological heritage that consists of the protection of hundreds of existing caves in state parks such as: Tourist of Alto Ribeira (PETAR), Intervales, Cave of the Devil, Rio do Turvo and the Environmental Protection Area of ​​Serra do Mar, located in the regions Ribeira Valley and Alto Paranapanema, south of the state.

The caves consist of underground natural cavities - they are considered union goods and permanent protection areas by the Paulista Constitution (article 197). They constitute a unique environment and formed by the action of waters, temperature and other agents to hundreds of thousands of years.

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Santana cave. PETAR, IPORANGA (SP).

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